HeadHunting LLC
HeadHunting LLC

HeadhuntingLLC’s primary business is professional recruiting. We have created an additional feature for applicants and employers. By visiting HeadhuntingLLC first, all activities you engage in will result in a contribution to a charity or philanthropic cause.

Activities that support the philanthropy / charity include:


Posting a Resume to major job boards from HeadhuntingLLC (“Post to Give” ®)
Utilization of Career Center Services

What is “Post to Give”®?

Our giving model is quite simple. The various job boards and other links on our site pay HeadhuntingLLC commissions. We in turn make a contribution to a philanthropic cause or charity.

Since the Applicant is already seeking employment and plans to post their resume, why not stop at HeadhuntingLLC first and receive the benefit of a charitable contribution.

Additionally, the Employer is seeking to post job openings to a major job board, why not stop at HeadhuntingLLC first and receive the benefit of a charitable contribution as well.

Remember “Post and Browse to Give” ®